Latency & Dropped Connection Issues

On Tuesday, February 6th, from 14:33 to 17:40 GMT, our platform experienced an outage, resulting in partial disruption of AIS and PIS calls. This issue was attributed to a network outage experienced by our cloud provider. During this period, calls to our platform may have encountered high latency or complete timeouts.

Incident Summary:

  • Issue: Service degradation

  • Impact: Customers experienced timeouts when attempting to access our platform.

  • Causes: Outage of our cloud provider's proxy load balancers.

  • Resolution: Yapily promptly initiated a failover to restore service.


  • Impact Began: February 6, 2024, 14:33 GMT

  • Internal Incident Raised: February 6, 2024, 14:38 GMT

  • Impact Mitigated: February 6, 2024, 17:40 GMT

  • Internal Incident Closed: February 6, 2024, 19:48 GMT

Root Causes:
The outage stemmed from a failure within our cloud provider's infrastructure, initially affecting non-European traffic and later extending to all traffic accessing our platform.
Mitigating Actions:
To restore service, we promptly executed a failover. Additionally, our cloud provider swiftly resolved the issues within their network infrastructure.

We apologise for any inconvenience this outage may have caused you or your customers. We have initiated a full post-mortem analysis of our infrastructure and will share relevant findings once available.